Friday, November 21, 2008

Its Friday!

Winter is definitely here, ugh! But so is Twilight!! Today is Twilights first day in theatres and already is producing outstanding numbers in the box office. Critics rated the movie with 3 stars but the teenage girls that joined me at the midnight showing can agree that it deserved more then that! The two main characters Bella and Edward did an amazing job recreating the drama and awkwardness from the book. Edward looked just as amazing as I pictured him in my head. I don't want to give away too many parts of the movie so I will save that for a later blog when more people have seen it.
Ps. I love you Edward! =)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Can You Imagine?

Can You Imagine;

Me without you, Is like
The sky without blue.

Love with no pain, Is like
No blood in a vein.

A book with no words, Is like
A toilet with no turds.

A nest with no eggs, Is like
A model with no legs.

A garage with no car, Is like
No beer in a bar.

Poems =)

What is the opposite of round?
Maybe a square drawn on the ground,
Or a straight line on the wall,
That’s as long as the hall.

What is the opposite of hate?
Is it showing the one you love you care;
By being to dinner, not a minute late?
Or is it keeping a secret kept inside,
And not making your best friend cry.
"You got to put your past behind you." - Timon (The Lion King)

This quote came from a children's movie, but can apply to all of us, old and young. We all make mistakes in our life, and you can only grow and learn form them. Take me for example, I have made alot of mistakes, but if I hadn't have made them then I wouldn't be the person I am today. I wouldn't have learned the things I did.

The choices you make on a daily basis effect the whole relm of things. Not so much what you eat for breakfast is going to effect where you go to college. But its what you ate for breakfast that gave you the brian power to get through another long day of school, that got you the education to go to college. And if you make a bad choice and don't do good in school its going to be harder to get into a good school. Thats where you must turn yourself around and put your past behind you, and devise a new plan on getting into a good school.